
How to deal with marble stains

Marble look very beautiful, indeed a good choice for home decoration, but the marble cleaning more cumbersome, because it is not only a variety of porous stone will absorb the liquid, but also extremely sensitive, it is easy to be stained. Such as marble kitchen countertops will be repeated staining, because some liquid if the sauce, seasoning, vinegar left on the table from time to time. Even water will leave water stains on the marble, if the glass for a long time if placed in the marble surface.
    In removing the stains on the marble to remember when to use a mild detergent, you can not use those containing bleach performance of detergent. Do not use hard brush and abrasive cleaners. As with other stone, marble stain prevention is the best way to clean up spilled liquids promptly. Some owners will use a variety of sealants to protect the marble surface, but anyway, should periodically re-sealed.
    1. Acid stain. Dry erase the stain better than stains, wipe will cause stains because of diffusion. Most of the vinegar or fruit juice stains can be made of baking powder and soda paste removed. Hardened paste, etc. After drying, wipe off the paste with a wet towel, then dry towel dry.
    2. Food stains. For the hardened food stains, hydrogen peroxide can be removed, but the time should not be too long. Once the stain disappears, wipe clean with a damp cloth, and finally dry.
    3. Grease stains. Absorption of fat with a paper towel, then sprinkle in the cornstarch can be used as absorbent stain area. Place 1 to 2 hours. Then wipe with a damp cloth, and finally dry.
    4. Nail polish stains. In about half a liter of warm water a few drops of dishwashing liquid, wipe with a clean white cloth. Do not residual dishwashing liquid, wipe with another piece of wet rag and dry the liquid residue. Repeat until the stain completely wipe clean.
    There are many neutral sealant, the sealant will not damage the marble surface. However, these marble sealants to be based on the type of periodic re-sealing. Such as marble floors every 6 months to be re-sealed once, as the kitchen table up to a year seal period. The porous nature of natural marble to seal becomes critical.
    Remove shoes before the door of soil dust. Best placed at the door mat. Also do not use acidic substances such as vinegar, non-alkaline cleaning agents remove the stains on the marble. If the stain in serious condition, do not try to take your homemade remedies uncertain. Best handled by professionals, please.

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