
Red Granite Succeeds Exploiting

Shanshan Red Granite is naturally hard.It is basically use traditinal flame cutting and drilling holes burst to mining in the past.But the relatively backward mining methods damage the internal structure.Abusing amount of labor and more labor-intensive workers  in heavy physical condition achieve economies of scale by the human wave tactics capacity.It is extremely dependent on the explosive blast and is insecurity.A serious waste of resources high energy consumption, efficiency, low efficiency and so one various harms.Since 2008,Shanshan Stone Parkactively guide and encourage the use of circular saws mining technology.Utill 2010."Shanshan red" varieties using circular saws mining technologies have been successful.The successful trial of diamond wire saw indicates the coming new era of Shanshan stone.First,a substantial increase in production efficiency.Second, non-renewable natural resources to scientific and rational development and utilization.
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