
Cap stone for garden walls

An attractive act to a masonry retaining wall is to install a concrete cap decor, called Cap stone.Cap stone for garden walls is available in standard masonry block sizes, with a variety of edge and surface shapes. The most common shapes are square, beveled and rounded and standard top surface shapes are flat, rounded or peaked.No matter  the style what you choose, installation procedure is applicable to all kinds of different styles.Mixed mortar mix of the number of the appropriate standards of capstones being installed, in accordance with the manufacturer's mark direction.Before the block walls spread a long, narrow lot of mortar in the edge of the wall, both sides use high stone should be shovel about 1 inch tall.Put a single length enough to keep you in the installation of the course.Hung it on the wall with a balanced place at each side if you start in a corner or the end,ensure that each side is equivalent.Tap on the surface of the capstone rubber hammer gently work.Use torpedo level to ensure that these stones is straight and cover of mortar piece before joint support should be approximately 1/2 inch thick and consistent on both sides of the long skins.
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