
The Changchun sculpture shape the city temperament

Thousands of city side become a dilemma of contemporary cities. "Sculpture City Changchun, home and abroad come to join the the Third Changchun World Sculpture Conference sculpture artists indicate sculpture Plastic City, Changchun City, being (Reporter Dubai Yu)" thousands of city side "to become one of the present urban dilemma. "Sculpture City Changchun, the third Changchun World Sculpture Conference at home and abroad come to join hint, sculptor sculpture Plastic City, Changchun City, is a city with artistic temperament, get rid of the" thousands of city side. September 2 to 3, the Third China Changchun World art Sculpture Conference held in Changchun, known as the "Motor City" Film City "styled Changchun, has become in recent years, the projections" Sculpture City. Deputy Minister of Culture Wang icle signaled unveiling of the Assembly, the Changchun sculpture art show the appearance of the city, the progress of urban culture and moral, condensed urban culture flesh. According to the understanding, Changchun since 1997 to date, total victory held the 12th at home and sculpture Sculpture Exhibition, held a two-time at home and Sculpture Conference and the next World Sculpture Conference. As of the Invitational Exhibition, Changchun saved for a total of 647 high degree of sculptures of the of 584 famous sculptor of more than 200 countries and regions. Sculpture Conference aim Forum and the Fourth National City Sculpture High-Level Forum on September 2, sculptors and scholars at home and abroad, the impact and significance of the city urban sculpture exchange discussion. The original establishment of the Vice Minister Song Chunhua, chairman of the Chinese built Society, said in his speech, "should be a high degree of cultural blind cast sculpture public art in the city's main position, the participating experts and scholars generally agree. Changchun Mayor Cui Jie, schematically, Changchun as sculptures city, the only collection of sculptures boutique is not enough, should also lead the latest trend of the sculpture, to become the new artistic thinking, art schools, art form base. He said: "economic to carry out and add to the total social property, is not equal to the culture to build will conduct self but contingent, it need external forces to advance." Wander in the Changchun World Sculpture Park, in the land of art, look at the sculpture masters Rodin sculpture "thinking", not help people caught wondering, sculpture art has gradually become the Changchun City peculiar cultural landscape. '

