
Sandstone Raw Blocks

About sandstone Natural sandstone is a combination of sand tightly held together by natural cement such as silica. It is available in varied colors such as red sandstone, yellow sandstone, green sandstone and white sandstone. Various finishes of sandstone are either natural , flamed , polished , honed or calibrated.

About raw blocks
Raw blocks are large pieces of stone that do not own any fixed shape and further they are chiseled into various different forms. They are mainly used for sawing and carving i.e to make slabs, tiles, statues, repositories and
" Raw blocks of sandstone" are of fine quality out of which beautiful and elegant pieces of artifacts are crafted out which are unique and have magnificent charisma. No other artifact can be compared with sandstone raw blocks in terms of their styles, design and finishing. Huge masses of sandstone are known as sand
stone blocks that are altered for different purposes.

Sandstone raw blocks are available in different sizes, shapes, finishes (either polished or honed) styles and colors. The exotic carvings are carved on them which create unique aura and appeal. To suit different styles and applications manufacturers are proficient at providing custom designs. Demand for them is continuously increasing due to its magnificent charisma and aura.

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