
Limestone Maintenance

Limestone looks beautiful and is very durable In the proper finish. Limestone is more porous then most other natural stones. Due to the high porosity, limestone is much more susceptible to absorption of oils, dirt and grime than other natural stone.
Proper procedures will insure that your investment remains timeless in beauty. Miracle Sealants products, combined with three generations of industry knowledge, aid you in attaining that goal.

I. Limestone is porous by nature. It will absorb stains from many things including dye in many grouts. To insure the best possible installation, as well as construction site protection, 511 Impregnator should be applied as a grout release prior to grouting the stone. Application of 511 Impregnator will resist grout dye absorption, facilitate grout residue -removal (up to 45%; faster) , and offer stain resistant protection during construction. 511 Impregnator will not change the natural look of the stone.
Clean the surface using Miraclean #1 or Liquid Poultice. These cleaners are safe for all types of stone and tile. Use a Marble Master Floor Machine, brush and wet vacuum. In small areas a hand brush may be used. In large areas an auto-scrubber may be used.
Apply 511 Impregnator to a clean, dry and dirt free surface. Apply using a soft cloth, clean mop or pump sprayer. Apply only enough to wet the surface to the eye. Allow to stand 5 minutes and remove the excess with dry towels where necessary. (Porous stones will have no residue problem due to high absorption.)
Although the 511 Impregnator requires a 24 hour cure time before grouting, typically it will be dry to the touch in 30-45 Minutes. Removing grout will usually require a sponge and water.
In areas that will be exposed to oils, and greases, or any areas that require added protection apply 511 Pre Treat after grout removal. 511 Pre Treat used prior to 511 Impregnator makes porous surfaces more resistant to staining materials, especially oils.
Apply 511 Pre Treat using a soft cloth, clean mop or pump sprayer. Apply only enough to wet the surface to the eye. Allow to stand 5 minutes and remove any excess with dry towels where necessary. (Porous stones will have no residue problem due to high absorption.)
511 Pre Treat will typically be dry to the touch in 30-45 minutes. Allow the surface to cure for 12 hours before applying 511 Impregnator as directed above and in the product data sheet. This will allow the grout to be protected as well as the stone.
In areas where oils and greases will not be a problem, (building facades and walls, etc.) after grout removal, apply 511 Impregnator as directed above and in the product data sheet. This will allow the grout to be protected as well as the stone.
Color enhancement for flamed, bush hammered, and texturized limestone
Mira Matte is a unique blend designed to enhance the natural color and texture of flamed, bush hammered, split face, and other textured limestone. Mira Matte leaves a beautiful matte finish. Mira Matte can be used after 511 Pre Treat and 511 Impregnator. In areas where oils and greases are not a problem Mira Matte may be used by itself.
Apply Mira Matte with a natural fiber brush, stiff paint brush or pump sprayer. Apply as evenly as possible,. Two applications are necessary. Proceed with the second application when the first is dry to the touch. Be sure to even out the chemical and do not allow it to puddle on the surface.
Mira Matte can be walked off over time and will need to be stripped and re-applied on an as needed basis.

Daily dry dust mopping will keep dust, grit and sand off the stone. Although limestone will not wear as rapidly as polished stone, it is still wise to keep it as clean as possible.
Mira Soap is a natural, concentrated cleanser and protector. Mira Soap cleans and protects all in one step. Add Mira Soap to your mop water and damp mop the stone. NO RINSING IS NECESSARY! Mira Soap can be used as often as desired with no harm to the stone.
Periodic deep cleaning (monthly/quarterly) may be necessary. Use Liquid Poultice or Miraclean #1 as directed with HOT water. After deep cleaning go back to Mira Soap for daily maintenance cleaning.

Stain Removal
Liquid Poultice will remove most stains from limestone without marring the surface. Apply as directed for typical stains.
If a stain is unable to be. removed with the standard method, prepare a poultice by mixing Liquid Poultice with whiting, white flour or paper towel. Apply to the stain, cover with plastic wrap, and tape down surrounding edges. Allow the mixture to dry completely. Remove with a wooden paddle or putty knife and rinse well. Multiple applications may be necessary.

