
Differentiate Good Stone Materials

How to differentiate the quality of finished stone products which has been processed, is good or not? Here are four aspects to identify:
The first one is view: namely macroscopic observation of stone material surface structure. Generally speaking, uniform fine material structure of the stone has the exquisite qualitative feeling, which is the excellent item among the products; Thick bead and differ in the stone material of a structure is poorer in appearance effect, the mechanical properties has the uniformity, and the quality is also a bit poor. In addition, since the geological effects, the natural stone material in which produce some fine often pulse, micro fracture, stone material in these areas along the most easily broken, and should note meaning out. For the lack of edge, you should pay more attention when optioning because it will influence the artistic.
The second one is quantity: that is the size of stone material. In order not to affect the montage, or cause the deformation afters of design, decorative pattern and line, then affect the adornment.
The third one is listening: listen to the percussion of stone products. In general, the knock ringing and euphonic of good quality has density internal and no endokinetic fractures stone material; Instead, if stone exist fine fracture or fine veins or because of the weathering particles to become loose, criterion knock voice is husky dumb.
The fourth one is test, which using a simple test methods to test the quality of stone material is good or not. Usually drop a small drops of ink on the stone material on the rear, if the ink soon infiltration out to the four sanctions, it dicates that the stone material internal particles is loose or existing subtle fissure, the quality of stone material is bad; Conversely, if the ink drip still in the place, it means that the dense texture of the stone is good.

