
Artificial marble advantage

Blackish green color, black with all the texture like amazon river through the tropical rain forests; The impression of rosy spread over the extension of the "crack" with the grand canyon, an enter the...... When these beautiful grain and ceramic tile, a combination will achieve a brand-new adornment material, Artificial Marble.
Carefully study the natural stone texture, hope completely copied to the industrial production to, this is artificial marble manufacturers are deepening exploration. In the dongguan, artificial marble is also being part of the agents to promotion.
At present artificial marble in the dongguan accounts for less than ten percent of the market share, in the near future, like ceramic tile, whether as mass into the thousands?
High copy marble: a few decorative pattern can look genuine
When the reporter comes to urban emerging adornment city Jane a ceramic store when interviewing, they had just completed a new round of decoration.
"Every year we will decorate knock off the original, put on the latest research and development of product. This year" Jane a ceramic agents ChenDaoGang said, this year advocate hit the product is the latest series of artificial marble. Because an increasing demand for artificial marble, Jane a ceramic has gradually reduce other ceramic tile products production, and turned to the special design production copy marble products.
Natural marble is popular, the most important reason is the natural form of decorative pattern, enjoy a high quality natural marble, like facing a picture scroll nature. So ChenDaoGang says, for manufacturers, copy marble in the core of the product technology and most difficult of decorative pattern design is.
Reporter visited the exhibition of a few pieces of the latest copy marble products, found that man-made stone of the twists grain does not ordinary ceramic tile is winding, give a person a kind of qianshanmohe in the splendor of feeling.
In the exhibition hall reporters saw, artificial marble can be used in the floor, the adornment of metope, even with color and texture deep product spell made wall paintings.
Advantage: use safety is not easy to dirty
ChenDaoGang think, artificial marble one of the most important advantage lies in the relatively safe, and the use of natural marble radiation as is known to all, if large area is used, may cause damage to the human body.
The second advantage is artificial marble hardness and smoothness than natural marble is high. ChenDaoGang said, natural marble is the soft texture, prone to scratch, and is easy to permeate, stain just laid a very pretty stones when, two or three years later may dwivedi fouling. "With artificial marble of words, as long as normal, it clean lifetime have will not change color."
It got the dongguan designer club designer support. A stylist to tell a reporter, a drop in the ink drips of natural marble top, more than an hour not to clean, will leave no longer doesn't go WuHen cleaning.
For stylist character, if the owner would like to with artificial marble replace natural marble, is a happy thing. "Because if the amount is relatively large, it is difficult to ensure that natural marble the unity of color." This stylist says, each a marble mineral deposits, produce of minerals has a different color, stylist is in the actual in decorating, often for two group of stone off color is too big and trouble.

