
Why granite floor so popular?

Now the floor materials is to emerge in endlessly, sort is various, why should choose granite? First of all, granite is probably the most hard, the most durable, can be used as one of the floor of the material for a long time. Different room chooses stone floor may be different, but to the kitchen for, granite floor materials far better than other floor materials. Of course this is a personal choice, depending on usage, stream and integral aesthetic feeling. Here we will discuss the pros and cons of granite floor, notes as a beautiful appearance, durable, easy to maintain very clean indoor material is how to unassailable.
Granite floors and kitchen are like hand and glove. In household, the kitchen floor is use frequency is highest, and most easy access to all sorts of besmirch, items slide may cause damage and need regular clean place. So, as the most the granite ability floor material is to be able to solve the problems of the kitchen, is really the most appropriate but choice. There are different kinds of granite style and style, so it always like the appearance of beauty, so have than aesthetic feeling.
As the most hard, the most lasting durable material, granite is the most ideal material of the kitchen floor. It can fight, fight acid and alkaline dyeing chemicals. It can resist cream, grease, boiling water, tea, coffee and carbonic acid, sugary drinks. In fact it can resist all the possible inside the kitchen stain. It can withstand the tableware, porcelain and glass impact, as long as clear in time pieces, don't let the shoes on the floor it. This needs us to keep the floor clean. Granite
Cleaning and maintenance granite floor is relatively simple job. Every day, and clean water cleaning, and timely liquidation of any accident porcelain rupture, will make clean and shining. Weekly with stone material clean soap a, then wash with water, helps to keep the floor seal and luster. That may be the case, granite floor materials have a weakness to need to emphasize.
Although granite is hard, but will be quartz scratch. Quartz is sand shape material that can be through the sole into the room. The kitchen staff turnover, easy to will become small quartz rolling sandy particles, the particles into the granite surface can cause minor scratches. This will influence the overall effect of the surface, as time goes on, these problems worse, will need professional maintenance, to restore its original luster. Restore badly scratched or dark granite, the price is very expensive, and it will also change the color of the granite. Based on this, the best way is "to prevent", cultivate the habit of cleaned every day cleaning, reduce the potential problems.
Despite such weaknesses, but granite floor have beautiful appearance, durable, wear resistance and easy to clean the surface of the maintenance, very suitable used for kitchen design. So as the kitchen floor, granite is difficult to replace.

