
Granite tile color line, mottle identified

Granite Tile stone of the color line, splash is in the process of rock in form or in later process because some of the mineral enrichment or local by other minerals that formed in the package, Granite tile stone material performance in article for strip or n/med tuberculosis shape, main mineral composition for quartz and black mica, Angle flash stone, dark mineral; Quartz Stone in the rock formation quartz vein, more than in stone material to the main white article appeared, black strip mica, Angle flash stone, stone mineral in the dark in the different into forming strip shape article or n/med tuberculosis.
Color line, mottle except in very rare cases can make some special design and was used by people in the stone, with the stone material of different color of a defect, if use in adornment with color line, mottle stone material, will seriously affect adornment effect, and because the color line, brown spots and stone mineral composition of the main mineral composition is different, in color line, will both sides of the splash around or form stress concentration area, stone material in these places easy to crack or broken.
Dark mineral black mica by the formation of the color line, splash in stone material grinding &polishing processing process due to its special flake structure can't produce smooth and bumpy. So, in stone material quality evaluation of line, splash is first of all colors of the need to put, and the most easy according to above characteristics identification.
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