
Bathroom Polished Stone Needs Protection

Bathroom Polished Stone usually used in bathroom.But not many people note to maintainance.In fact,polished stone also needs to conserve so that fewer problems will be appeared.Generally speaking,there are some cases to conserve polished stone.Timely clean the stone surface after using it.Polishing marble surface regularly.In daily life,it must be careful not to use dyeing shampoo,not use artificial colors  soap and shampoo,not use acidic or alkaline cleaning products.It must use neutral detergent to clean the surface.Not use even slightly acidic and it will cause chronic erosion to marble surface.If exposure for a long time,it may damage the stone surface of the tissue,seriously,erosion of the stone surface.After a period of using, if parts of marble color turns darker and even serious damage to surface gloss.It actually can be polished with a liquid mixture to DIY polish.
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