
Reduce Stone Chromatic Aberration

Different mineral composition in differtant sequence to form stone will affect stone color changing.This is what we call Stone Chromatic Aberration.According to the stone structure and color characteristics of different phenomena,we broadly group broadly grouped into two categories and propose different solutions.Different color of the stone is a completely different structure and characteristics and the color is completely different or very different components of a variety stones.For instance,the  gold, beige and New West yellow, beige and white sand beige Spain all belong to different color of stone.As to their Chromatic Aberration,it mostly needs particular equipment and ground.The other categories is the same color of the stone.As to this kind Chromatic Aberration,We recommend using stone conservation agent.Hyperchromic type of stone conservation agent is suitable to the same color stone  between the minor adjustments and frayed to deal with.
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