
Stone Industry Development Strategy To Expand

Stone Industry Development Strategy aims to promote added values,Past production and sales of stone stone business is now "changing business development approach to the provision of services to provide products from the" inevitable.In addition to increasing value-added products, the development of the international market is also key. Two years ago, promising the potential of stone in the Middle East market, some companies began to join forces in Quanzhou stone set up branch offices in Dubai, set processing, storage and sales.Now, the coming Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games and 2018 World Cup, once again we see an opportunity to stone enterprises, associations, led enterprises, "Bao Tuan" established by the Russian stone storage and logistics center on the agenda. In addition, the "consolidation of existing strengths, developed more than a few large logistics, big market ", a forum on the date of the loudest voices. "Highway 308 to the axis line to China Plumbing City as the center, the layout of the four directions to the East and West a number of large professional market, contiguous and form a huge influence on the procurement base. "
Bordered Yellow Banner Stone
Fantastic Activities In STONETECH 2011

