
India tombstone industry

In the past 10 years, India's granite, big plate and waste material ceramic tile rapid development, and other products production and stable growth and increase international market share. In the world today, the decline of the stone common India tombstone manufacturing stable growth. Still There is concern that the tombstone products in India there's not a market, it is a 100% of the export-oriented industries. India Tombstone industry has developed into a and China the same world class manufacturing countries. Today's article is simply to introduce readers to India's tombstone industry.
The company quantity and size
In India, more than 100 are the tombstone of manufacturers and some foreign trade company. In the past five years, the production scale of company last year and stable growth of 10%. The companies were divided into big and small companies. Big companies are those monthly production more than seven container company, India has about 20 home so the company. The rest of the is returned to the list of small companies. Average a company hired about 75 workers. About 10000 people directly employed by the tombstone industry, indirect employed by the tombstone industry also about 10000 people (some and related industries such as transportation tombstone).
Companies are
80% of the manufacturer is located in Tamil nadu in India, the rest is located in the next door bond: karnataka and andhra pradesh. So the whole tombstone industry place a southern India and south is just large granite mining the fruit of the place.
Total number of products
India tombstone industry production measuring force 350 a month-400 containers (waste material of unit of measurement of the big board cubic meters, unit of measurement square meters or square feet, and the unit is tombstone container). The above mentioned products are exported. Tombstone There are about 180 a month-200 container export to Europe, 50 exports to the us, 40 to export to Japan, the rest export to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries. November, December and January is most of the time, the monthly output dropped off about half. On average, each container value in the $18000 to $24000 (this depends on the material and design), so that the whole of the industrial value at about $85 million.
Granite is main material
Tombstone industry the most popular for purple color hemp granite. Next is unreal colour red, blue, and black, the South African black sands, and so on. In the United States in the tombstone of black the most popular, India red also to have certain needs. In Europe especially Germany unreal colour red and blue is the most popular. In Britain, 80% of the tombstone for black is the product. Japan is preference black and gray.
The latest trend
In the past five years, export growth rose by 10% a year, the future stability of the growth rate is likely to increase. Tombstone industry may not add new company, but many existing company is growing production to meet demand.
In order to reduce costs, tombstone industry bring in new technology. In recent years many factories introduce the nc machine tools for more sophisticated design. Every year 80% of the total demand introduction of flint tools and other consumables, value of 500-$6 million.
In recent years, India tombstone products market share in Germany is stable. But in the long term trend, compared to tombstone, state younger generation is more favoring cremated.
In Japan, Australia and Belgium because of the space limitation, the more apt to cremated. But India tombstone in Poland and other eastern European countries share of the market is growing.
India industries face opponent is China. China imported from India company waste materials processing again to Europe, sometimes resale than directly from India to the price of European sales 20% lower. But now the trend seems to turn over, because China enterprise is hard to and India competition price and quality. The increasing labor and investment, reduce the threat of Chinese enterprise to India.
Competitive advantage
Why India's tombstone industry is so developed? After all this industry all export oriented, there may be other strong competition countries.
First of all, the most important is local Indian granite is especially suitable for production as a tombstone material. India local granite color by the European and other special local funeral industry welcome, it is tombstone industry developed to provide a basic conditions.
The second aspect, funeral industry waste materials for the big board than making waste material smaller than lower prices, the same prices vary more, sometimes more than 70%. So the mine to manufacturing factory waste it is very important and the price is low, thus enhancing the competitiveness of their products. But the explanation is not complete. After all these little pieces of waste material also can export to other place, but from a large manufacturing tombstone transport and processing perspective, the local manufacturers or have the geographical advantage.
Another advantage is the timeliness. Such as raw material origin of the finished product production cycle is better than not origin place production cycle is short.
Funeral industry product manual request to than other products and high in southern India, there are a large number of skilled workers. James milner's of nations and other nations processing granite history in southern dates back to 1000 DuoNian before. Obviously the labor costs low than Europe in India. And in India, according to labor law, the industry workers enjoy social security contributions, accumulation fund, etc, is mandatory holidays many people dream of career.
India tombstone industry from Europe and Japan also import many advanced machine, plus mentioned above advantage, make world-class tombstone industry in India. So many advantages, it is no wonder that gathered a manufacturing chamber of commerce of India by the European counterparts to indignation. India tombstone industry is a make full use of the competitive advantage to create jobs and wealth of the successful cases.
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