
Crushed granite paving

Crushed granite paving adds a polished look.Add crushed granite paving, grass-roots level to protect your guests along a path command. You can lay a drainage problem areas through the surface of crushed granite water to improve water absorption.Attempt to direct, at right angles to the path and a winding road, to see you like. Once you choose, the rope four feet of space outside the main path and a 30-36 inches, in addition to the secondary path. Spray paint the outline of the rope marks.Excavator or shovel to dig out the process of the soil, until you have a 7 inch deep path. Transferred to the low-lying areas of soil to build a raised flower bed. The rest of the dirt, with a hand tamper bag down.Place on the compacted dirt weed and security through the corners of the peak. Down at the scene about 4 inches, 3 / 4 inch crushed total package tampering, until the rock resistance. Add a layer of compacted always improve drainage and provide a solid foundation, so it does not sink over time as granite. Add a layer of compacted always improve drainage and provide a solid foundation, so it does not sink over time as granite.
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